Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bifurcated Divorce

Ever heard of a bifurcated divorce?  Probably not, unless you have had one or know someone who has.  My divorce was a bifurcated divorce.  Basically, bifurcating your divorce is a way to push the finality of the actual divorce while reserving the settlement of the other issues.  This has its pros and cons.  One bad thing, though, is that bifurcating may take away your ex's incentive to hurry with the rest of your case.  So potentially the settlement of everything else could last quite a while.  Plus, I don't think most people understand that it is possible to be divorced and still not have custody and assets finalized.  Thus you might get some people who assume you are still married, even though you aren't.  Remember, I'm not a lawyer.  This is just my understanding from experience. 

Any who, if you want more info, follow this link  http://myfamilylaw.com/library/divorce-separation/what-is-a-bifurcated-divorce-2/


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bad form: Revolution

This is my first ever "Bad Form" (Thank you for the title, Captain Hook) post.  I have been watching Revolution (NBC) since it premiered.  Last week's episode was definitely the most violent that the show had ever been, so I was already feeling ugh about the direction they were taking the series.  But then, completely out of context, full on rated "R" material.  It just came out of no where, and did not make sense within the story.  Lets just say, I have taken Revolution off of my watching list. 

Revolution, Bad form!

P.S. Thank you, FCC