Wednesday, February 22, 2017

"Classic Groom" for sale?

Found this at Wally-world! I've been going about this the wrong way, man! I had no idea it was this easy to get a "classic groom." 2 bucks in the clearance section AND he comes with a tux!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Do you love Daddy still?

So, my kid asks me the other day, "Do you love Daddy still?"

Oh my heck. How do I answer this after years of divorce and pain and hurt? If I tell kid flat out no, It might hurt kid's feelings. If I tell kid yes, I'd be lying.  So . . .

I just sat there awkwardly for a moment. Which is fine. I'd rather take a second to think about what I'm saying than to say the wrong thing in a moment of haste.

And then, although I was hoping my kid might have forgotten the question, kid was still waiting for an answer.

So what did I do?

I told kid that Daddy was my friend for a long time before we were married, and as a friend I hoped the best for him. That I did not love him like a wife, but that I loved him like I loved everyone in the world: in a Christ like way. That I still pray for him.

I hate questions like that. I always pray that I say the right thing.

Have you had to answer a similar question? What did you say?