Monday, February 22, 2016

Final Divorce Agreement 5 : Contact Information

It's time for another installment in my Final Divorce Agreement Series!

Why am I doing this, you ask? Because it is a stressful, hard time when you are trying to come up with and agree on a final stipulation. I remember when I was at that point in my divorce proceedings and I was doing as much research as I could on the subject. I was bing-ing and google-ing and asking other divorced people for advice. I talked to my lawyer, I prayed, I made lists, etc.

I would have loved to come across some divorced blogger's experience for another example.

Today I am going to talk about something that is VERY important, and yet a very small section of my final stipulation: the CONTACT INFORMATION clause.

(Remember, I am not a lawyer or professional of any kind. This is purely based on my own experiences and should not be taken as advice for your own situation. Talk to your own lawyer for personal advice)

Why have a contact information clause? Because if you have kids then you want to be able to make that contact.

My clause specifies that a current physical address, phone number, and e-mail address are a part of this.

This is pretty basic stuff, but I think it is very important and something you may not have thought about.

Note: I am going to talk later about other advisory guidelines and things that you can include in your final agreements that may or may not take care of some of these issues I am talking about. But, with whatever we did or did not include, we decided to keep our own contact information clause.

For past "Final Divorce Agreement" posts, see the below links!

Final Divorce Agreement 4: Arrearage

Final Divorce Agreement 3: Transportation

Final Divorce Agreement 2: Life Insurance

Final Divorce Agreement 1: Always Reread the Document

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