Thursday, March 26, 2015

Don't Be Desperate!!!

I'll say it again: Don't be desperate!!!  

I groan every time I hear a girl panicking that they aren't married yet. I roll my eyes at impatient facebook posts, I cringe when someone gets married to someone they obviously don't know just for the sake of being married.

Ideally, we would all find our "soul mates" at a fairly early age, have lots of happy children, and ride off into the sunset.

But, at no fault of our own, sometimes that doesn't happen.

And what are we supposed to do? Settle for some psycho because we just have to have someone and they're willing?

Yeah right!

But girls do it all the time. They panick that they aren't married yet, they see their siblings and friends married with kids and they go into a frenzy.

They're like sharks just looking for a piece of meat. They suddenly don't care if the meat is spoiled, all they want is meat.

Talk about a good recipe for divorce. Just add a slab of spoiled meat.

At no point in your life should you settle for less than your values. Hair color, body type, favorite foods, leaving the cap off of the toothpaste: these are all things thatcan be worked around.

Religious beliefs, the way you want to raise your kids, morals, values: these are all things that you should stand for. Don't crumble on your beliefs just because a willing guy happens to enter into the picture.

Don't be desperate for a guy. Just want to find the right guy.

Desperate for guy= NOT healthy.

Wanting the Right Guy = Healthy and normal.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

"Divorce is an Option"

A friend gave me the link to the following story titled "Divorce is an Option:"

Sometimes our life is affected and we are hurt because of someone else's decisions. We have to pick up the pieces and do our best with the situation we are given. We still deserve happiness.

Divorce is awful. It really is. And, though it stinks, sometimes we find ourselves divorced through no fault of our own. We need to stay strong!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tip: Protecting your Assets

Ok, remembering I'm not a lawyer or anything, I thought I'd share with you what I learned about protecting your assets when getting a divorce.

You don't want to be the one to take all the money and run. I call that stealing. But you don't want them to do it either, right? You don't want to be the one left in a lurch.

So what do you do? What can you do? Keep records of how much is in each of your accounts and what services are already paid for. Watch your bank account, insurance, cell phone, etc. etc. etc. If your spouse drains the accounts, you need to know so that 1) You have that information for legal purposes and 2) so that you don't get stuck with any overdraft fees or anything like that.

I personally got stuck with a fee that was taken out monthly, but because the account had been drained I also got a penalty on it. :(

I have a friend that said she took pictures of the whole house when she and her husband divorced. She was trying to document everything for proof of having had it. I don't know if this works, but it sounds like a good idea to me. I not only took pictures but made a list of everything and their estimated worth.

If you are splitting up the cars, think about splitting up the keys, too.

Keep documents or copies of documents. Simply: know what you have. Not everyone can rely on their spouse to really give them half of everything.

Unfortunately it doesn't always work like that.

Think about things like: insurance policies, bank accounts, business accounts, wills, etc.

And as always- Document EVERYTHING.

I know this is a very vague post. But my point is just to have you thinking about things. You don't want to be fighting over the assets, you want it documented and clear what there is and what there isn't.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Find: Is it better to get married in your 20's or 30's?

Is it better to get married in your 20's or 30's? And how does that affect the divorce rate?

Follow the link to the Sutherland Institute and decided for yourself:

The tradeoffs of postponing marriage past your mid-20s

Monday, March 2, 2015

Never be late to court!!!!!!

Never be late to court. That's it. Simple, Eh?

Make sure you leave in plenty of time to get to the court, sit there for a few minutes, hopefully meet with your lawyer ahead of time, get a drink of water, and take a deep breath.

There was one time that I saw someone not show up (they actually walked into the courthouse way after the fact) and the Commissioner not only dismissed their motion but awarded the other party attorney fees.

So, don't do it! Don't be late!!!!!!

And, it's rude. You send the message to the court that their time isn't important.

Which is not the message you want to send.

Also, and I hope I don't actually have to say this, but show up! Don't just not be late, make sure you come!

I saw another circumstance where someone sent their niece as a representative. I don't know if that is something that is done very often, but in this case it didn't fly. It didn't work!

No, no, no.

Show up, be on time.