Thursday, March 26, 2015

Don't Be Desperate!!!

I'll say it again: Don't be desperate!!!  

I groan every time I hear a girl panicking that they aren't married yet. I roll my eyes at impatient facebook posts, I cringe when someone gets married to someone they obviously don't know just for the sake of being married.

Ideally, we would all find our "soul mates" at a fairly early age, have lots of happy children, and ride off into the sunset.

But, at no fault of our own, sometimes that doesn't happen.

And what are we supposed to do? Settle for some psycho because we just have to have someone and they're willing?

Yeah right!

But girls do it all the time. They panick that they aren't married yet, they see their siblings and friends married with kids and they go into a frenzy.

They're like sharks just looking for a piece of meat. They suddenly don't care if the meat is spoiled, all they want is meat.

Talk about a good recipe for divorce. Just add a slab of spoiled meat.

At no point in your life should you settle for less than your values. Hair color, body type, favorite foods, leaving the cap off of the toothpaste: these are all things thatcan be worked around.

Religious beliefs, the way you want to raise your kids, morals, values: these are all things that you should stand for. Don't crumble on your beliefs just because a willing guy happens to enter into the picture.

Don't be desperate for a guy. Just want to find the right guy.

Desperate for guy= NOT healthy.

Wanting the Right Guy = Healthy and normal.


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