Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Divorce Tip: Keep Track of expenses that you and your ex are supposed to share.

In many cases, there is a time limit on when you can request money from the other parent for reimbursement of  their half of fees. My final order says that we have 30 days.

Set up an Excel worksheet that lists every expense supposed to be shared, and how much money the reimbursing parent has sent to pay for their half of the expense.

Keep organized from the beginning. If you do this, it will save you tons of pain and trouble in the future!

For example:

2015.07 child support ($500)
2015.07 medical insurance ($100)
check from ex on 2015.07.01 ($600)
2015.07.03 doctor's visit ($44 -1/2 of $88)

current balance- $44

It looks better in Excel. You can have different columns for due expenses and paid expenses.

By the way, I don't get anywhere near that much money from my ex. Ha! That would be amazing... But, I digress.

Also, save your receipts so you can send your ex copies of the bills they are supposed to pay half of. Like a bill for the doctor, copay, prescriptions, etc.  And then if you ever end up in court to talk about them not paying, you can show the court the receipts.

Personally, I scan them all into the computer. That way I have it all in digital format. Easy Peasy!

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