Monday, January 18, 2016

How to address the Judge or Commissioner from the table

Before you go to court, ask your attorney what to do if the Commissioner or Judge speaks to you directly. In the courthouse I go to for hearings there are little signs on the desks that ask you to stand when addressing the Commissioner.

There have been a couple of times when the Commissioner has addressed me directly and I am so nervous that I answer before I realize that I didn't stand up!

So, before you go in, talk to your attorney about what to do if you are called on.

Of course if you are representing yourself and going to stand at the podium, then that is an entirely different thing.

I am just talking about if you are sitting by your attorney and the Commissioner turns to you and asks you a question.

But, I have seen other people asked questions in the middle of a hearing and they are sitting back in their chair, lounging. Then they hmm and haw, not acting like they really care. Which does not seem very professional.

When I talk, I try to get straight to the point and speak clearly. But, that's just me.

Ask your attorney so that when the time comes you aren't blindsided and know how to calmly respond.

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