Monday, September 12, 2016

You want a "matchless match"

Not just any guy or gal will do! You want to find someone who shares the same values and the same goals as you.

This scene from Fiddler on the Roof starts out with a couple of girls who just can't wait for the town's matchmaker to find husbands for them. They are desperate for matches! Then, throughout the song, they realize that they want a good guy, someone that they can trust and depend on. They get scared that leaving their matches up to fate will get them in bad situations.

By the end of the song they realize that "Playing with matches a girl can get burned" and suddenly their new goal is to find matchless matches. Safe, reliable men.

I love this! Besides, didn't our parents always teach us not to play with matches?

FYI, my favorite line is "You've heard he has a temper, he'll beat you every night! But only when he's sober... so you're alright!"

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