Thursday, September 21, 2017

When Divorced, when should you start dating?

Ah, the age-old re-occurring question:

"I'm getting divorced. When should I start dating?"

Some people mean this question in a "I am so excited to be moving on with my life, so when is the first possible moment I can put myself out there again" and some people mean this question in a "I am so traumatized from my marriage that I want to know the last possible moment that it seems acceptable for me to still not be putting myself out there again."

Did that rambling make sense? I hope so.

The problem with this question is that everyone has an a different opinion. Depending on who you ask, the answer will change drastically.

However, for me, it comes down to this:

1. Wait until the divorce is final. Judge signed, waiting period over FINAL.

For me, Dating while you are married at all is a no-go. Not only from a religious standpoint, but as a woman I don't want my guy legally attached to someone else. Not only is that creepy and disturbing, but generally we refer to that as cheating.

I don't want a guy that is ok with that in any degree, and I don't want a guy to think that I am ok with that to any degree.

2. Once the divorce is final, go with your gut.

Only you can know when you are ready to jump back into the dating scene. But it's OK to start slow. After all, it's weird to suddenly be in the singles scene again. But that is a post for another time.

What do you think? When is it OK to start dating?

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