Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sometimes You Find Yourself Saying, "What the Crud?! I honestly didn't see that coming."

Many times throughout my divorce experience I have found myself completely baffled at one thing or another.  These are things I never saw coming.  Sure, this happens in life as a general rule.  But in divorce it seems to be an exaggerated effect.  Things happen all the time that make you want to say, "What the Crud!?"

Any way, I saw something else this week that made me say this.  Follow this link and look at the first picture.  What you are seeing isn't snow, it isn't water, it's spider webs!  EWWWWW!  http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/thousands-spiders-blanket-australian-farm-escaping-flood-165958059.html

So, whether you're forced to evacuate your Australian farm because thousands of wolf spiders invade your land, or whether your divorce is somewhat surprising, you're not alone in saying, "What the Crud?!  I honestly didn't see that coming!" 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"Pinterest Fail"

So, I found this hilarious website the other day. First, let me start off by saying that I am not a member of Pinterest.  I am afraid that if I were to join it that I'd waste time on there.  But then the other day I found this website called Pinterest Fail.  And now I am seriously tempted to join Pinterest just so that I could submit on their page.  Basically, it's a place for people to share the DIY project they found on Pinterest and then to share how their attempt to recreate it turned out.  Then other people can comment and give advice, etc.  It is pretty funny!


Monday, November 18, 2013

Find: Interesting Divorce Laws

Check this out!  I laughed out loud at some of these divorce laws.  My favorite one is the second one, the one from Kentucky.  I won't give it away by telling you what it is, you just have to go see for yourself.  But I do wonder what happened in the first place to get this law written.  ?????????  Who knows.


Friday, November 15, 2013

BIG Divorce Settlements

Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_expensive_divorces .  It's nothing crazy, just a list of some pretty darn expensive divorces.  Seriously, Holy Cow!  If you didn't know before: Divorce is EXPENSIVE.  Granted these are all celebrities who have more money than I have ever seen.  I am sure I will have more to come on this subject.