Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sometimes You Find Yourself Saying, "What the Crud?! I honestly didn't see that coming."

Many times throughout my divorce experience I have found myself completely baffled at one thing or another.  These are things I never saw coming.  Sure, this happens in life as a general rule.  But in divorce it seems to be an exaggerated effect.  Things happen all the time that make you want to say, "What the Crud!?"

Any way, I saw something else this week that made me say this.  Follow this link and look at the first picture.  What you are seeing isn't snow, it isn't water, it's spider webs!  EWWWWW!  http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/thousands-spiders-blanket-australian-farm-escaping-flood-165958059.html

So, whether you're forced to evacuate your Australian farm because thousands of wolf spiders invade your land, or whether your divorce is somewhat surprising, you're not alone in saying, "What the Crud?!  I honestly didn't see that coming!" 

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