Monday, February 23, 2015

Meet With Your Lawyer Before Hearings

If you have a hearing scheduled, I would suggest that you plan to meet with your lawyer for a few minutes ahead of time to do the following:

1. Make sure that you are both on the same page. You both have things that you may want to say to each other. Maybe they want to give some advice, maybe you want to tell them what your priorities are, maybe one of you has an update. Also, lawyers have lots of cases, so it might be a good idea to take a couple of minutes to get them into the swing of your case.

2. This way you will both be on time. I have never had a lawyer be anywhere near late to a hearing, but I have seen their clients be late to hearings. Don't be late!!!!!!!!!!!

3. I personally feel calmer and not so rushed when I have had a chance to meet with my lawyer before a hearing. Not only have I been in the courthouse for a few minutes, but I have talked with my attorney and we've gone over the issues.

4. I have dealt with a few attorneys in my experience, and they have each had different jobs and levels of professionalism. One time the attorney who always argued my case in court showed up without having even read our paperwork and motion. It was a different, awesome attorney who always did the paperwork.

Well, where did that leave me? No where good. I was so upset. But luckily we had planned to meet half an hour ahead of time and I was able to catch him up on a couple of things.

Now, that is a much longer story than I just relayed. And the situation with that attorney went downhill very fast. But you get the point.


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