Thursday, August 6, 2015

After the Custody Evaluation

Custody Evaluations can be very stressful. You feel like your whole life is in someone else's hands. Which, honestly, is pretty much true. Once it's over, though, it's not completely over. There is still something I would suggest doing.

Keep a log of major things that have happened since the Custody evaluation. These are things that if you ever found yourself in more interviews with your custody evaluater you would tell him or her.

You'll be amazed at how fast your memory fails you. You'll be thinking to yourself, "When did that event happen? Was it right before the custody evaluation, or right after?"

So then, if I think this to myself, I go check the log I've made.

Note: I talk A LOT about keeping logs. Financial logs, contact logs, post custody evaluation logs, etc. If you start them early, then you can just update them as you go. It is a huge undertaking, but totally worth it. Know what is going on in your case, have a handle on it. AND, whether your logs are on the computer or in hard copy, LABEL LABEL LABEL! Have things organized.

We'll talk more about organizing your divorce documents later.

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