Thursday, April 27, 2017

Way to remind me that I'm single!

Guess what! I've been invited to this big 'ol party and I'm super excited!

So I log into facebook to RSVP (because EVERYTHING is on facebook these days. I mean really. Could a party invite be any less classy than if it is on facebook?).

These are the options:

A: I am coming and bringing my spouse/significant other

B: I cannot come/ I don't want to come

C: I am coming by myself

D: I don't know if I am coming.

First off . . . sigh. YES, letter C. I am coming BY MYSELF! All by my lonesome, and thanks for reminding me.

Second off . . . why is this option C? Am I, as a loner, below option B? The people not coming or who don't want to come? Really?!

Now, I jest. Sort of. I get why they ask it like this and so would I. They want to know how many people to plan for. So, I get it.

But talk about the ultimate set up! Yay: you are invited to a party! And then the let down: And you get to tell everyone that you're coming alone.  Woohoo!

However then I think about the fact that it may be a good thing to let everyone know that I am coming alone. It's the easy way of saying, Hey! If we hit it off at this party, feel free to get my number! I'm alone and available!

Maybe I've been looking at this the wrong way. Maybe I need to print out t-shirts that say: "Are you Option C, male, have any semblance of morality, and financially stable? Call me!"

Or . . .

Maybe I need to organize the Option C after party. Yeah . . .! Option A: you are not invited.

I guess it is all how you look at it. :)

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