Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Response to red and pink equal sign

So I logged onto Facebook today, and immediately wondered what the little red and pink equal signs were.  When I found out, I knew we needed a response.  So, I came up with this "M" for marriage.

Once you start trying to get rid of traditional values, where does it stop?  Before you know it, people will be trying to get rid of the value of hard work.  They will expect the government to support them.  Oh wait...

Anyway, If anyone wants to use this picture, go ahead!


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Marriage Celebrations March 26, 2013!

So this week the Supreme court is going to be looking at a couple of cases that effect if marriage can only be between a man and a women.  (More posts about this later)

There are multiple events going on accross the USA this tuesday to celebrate marriage between a man and a women, and show support for this cause.

The two I have heard about so far are

1) Washington D.C.'s MARCH FOR MARRIAGE. on March 26, 2012 from 8:30 am to 1:00pm.  For More information, go check out their website at

2) Utah's Celebration of Marriage on March 26, 2012 at 7:00pm at the state Capitol.  For more information, go to

Both Celebrations look like they will have music and speakers. 

If you know of any other Marriage Celebrations accross the country, please let me know! 

Also, if anybody wants to take pictures for me, or send me comments or stories from attending these or similar events, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE email me at

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Insulting Jacket!

Last week I decided to splurge and buy myself a new jacket!  When I got home, I found this sticker on it:

How insulting!  Plus, by the time I found this sticker, I had already cut off at least 2 tags that said similar things.  Like I need another thing to point out my "Few Unwanted Pounds!"  I got the point that it was a large size from the sign in the store, the marker on the hanger, the printed size on the tag and the little paper slips they attached with those plastic string things.  I think it even said it was a large on my receipt!  If I were this manufacturer, I'd put a compliment on here instead.  Maybe "Hey!  You look great!" or "Gorgeous, Gorgeous, Gorgeous." Oooh, I like that!  "Gorgeous, Gorgeous, Gorgeous!"  Or if they insist on putting the size on there for the hundredth time, they could put "Gorgeous and Large, Gorgeous and Large, Gorgeous and Large!" 

I'd like that!  Clothes that literally complement you! 

Know of a company that actually does this? Or something similar?  Send me an e-mail at

Just a note: The jacket itself was really cute!
Plan for a future post:  Weight Loss Goals!  :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

How to Act Around Someone Who is Getting a Divorce

I think that most people don't know what to say or how to act around someone that is getting a divorce.  The link in my last post touched just briefly on this, but I wanted to address it just a bit more. 

Divorce is traumatic, like death or an accident or losing one's job.  Except you don't get flowers, you probably won't get a sympathy card and people might avoid you because they don't know what to say.  Sometimes this is a good thing.  You might not want to dwell on your failed marriage and people bringing it up just might make the situation more sore.  At the same time, this is something you are going through and it is weird not to feel support.  Simply put: don't take it personally.  The people around you don't know your situation, even if you feel like you've told them. Some people will feel pitty, some people will scowl at you, some will ignore you because they might be having marital problems and talking about your divorce is not good for them at the moment.

My advice to those who know someone who is getting a divorce: Divorce is always sad.  No matter what the reasons or what the situation, it is always sad.  Realize that the parties involved are going through a drastic change in life.  Their finances, time, physical and mental energy among other things are being stretched.  Even if the person you know is getting out of a dangerous situation, they are still going through all of these things.  Don't necessarlily be affraid to ask them how they are doing.            Just letting them know that you are there for them is a huge thing.

My advice to those who are getting a divorce:  Don't expect masses of friends to come and support you.  Sad, I know.  But remember, they are nervous about saying the wrong thing.  Some may be proactive in checking in with you and some may not.  Family may be different, it just depends.  Keep up with family and friends, don't wait for them to call.  Call them up for an outing or what not.  Make sure not to crowd the conversation by continuously talking about your divorce.  I'm not saying don't talk about it, but don't make that the sole topic.  Make sure to keep up on prayer and other religious activities.  God will always be there for you.

Thats my advice as someone who has been through a divorce, take it or leave it.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Find on Loneliness

I really liked this article on , .  Mostly because it portrays divorce in a realistic way.  It doesn't pretend that it is easy or that everyone will come to your aid or even know how.  Divorce is, in a word, pain.  So, go check it out.