Saturday, March 23, 2013

Marriage Celebrations March 26, 2013!

So this week the Supreme court is going to be looking at a couple of cases that effect if marriage can only be between a man and a women.  (More posts about this later)

There are multiple events going on accross the USA this tuesday to celebrate marriage between a man and a women, and show support for this cause.

The two I have heard about so far are

1) Washington D.C.'s MARCH FOR MARRIAGE. on March 26, 2012 from 8:30 am to 1:00pm.  For More information, go check out their website at

2) Utah's Celebration of Marriage on March 26, 2012 at 7:00pm at the state Capitol.  For more information, go to

Both Celebrations look like they will have music and speakers. 

If you know of any other Marriage Celebrations accross the country, please let me know! 

Also, if anybody wants to take pictures for me, or send me comments or stories from attending these or similar events, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE email me at

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