Thursday, September 17, 2015

Take Pictures/ Document!

Note: I am not a lawyer or therapist. This is what I have learned from my own experiences and is not legal advice in any way. This might not be the best idea for your personal case.

I take pictures of everything. Otherwise, it never happened. Property Damage by ex? Take a picture of it. (Although that might be cause for a police report) Texts? I type them out and then take pictures of the text on my phone. Evidence on the computer such as on a social media site? Take a screen shot or save the picture.

I was in court one time, telling the court that my ex's wife had done something that was mean and painful to my daughter.  I had a picture that proves what she was doing. My ex stood there and said I was lying, that I was exaggerating. The court looked at the picture I had submitted and pointed it out to my ex. He was then told that his wife should stop doing that.

If I hadn't had the picture, it would have been his word against mine. This way the Commissioner could look at what I had submitted, see the evidence, and decide for himself what was really going on despite the conflicting reports given by me and my ex.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Rickie and the Flash/ spouses who cheat and leave

I went to see Rickie and the Flash and though I would not suggest you make a point of seeing this movie unless it was on TV, free, nothing else was on, and hopefully a bit edited, I did think it had value for a post. That sounds harsher than I meant it to be. 

There is a character in the movie who is grieving over the loss of her cheating husband. She takes his infidelity pretty roughly and completely "Lets herself go."

The whole time I am thinking, "Don't let him do this to you!" and "No more tears over such a creep!" and "Move on!" 

Though these things are easier said than done. Because we open ourselves up for an honest, true love experience which means that it hurts when the relationship goes south. 

But really what else could you have done if you wanted your marriage to have a chance? You have to open up your heart. 

Maybe it is hard to remember, maybe it is a hard thing to put into practice, but don't let your ex's stupid decisions bring you down. 

If you had a friend who's husband left them for another woman you wouldn't be telling her not get over him. You'd be comforting her and telling her that it was his loss and that he was a creep for cheating on her.

So, if this is your situation, take what would be your own advice! 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Watch how your spouse treats his Ex.

Watch how your spouse treats his ex. Because if you ever get divorced, that is how he will treat you. 

I know what you're saying: "But we won't ever get divorced!" "His ex wife was crazy!" or "He actually loves me!"

I hope that you never get divorced. It isn't much fun at all! But I'd bet your husband and his ex thought those same thoughts once upon a time too. Of course there are unforeseeable circumstances that cause divorces, but no one gets married planning to divorce. 

So, how does he treat his ex? Even if you're right and she is crazy, does he treat her with respect? Is he a decent human being to her? 

I know some men who are the nicest, most helpful ex-husbands a girl could ever dream of. They are still there when needed, they really support their kids, they are still nice.

I also know men who are NOT nice to their ex-wives. They try to get out of supporting their kids, they are rude, etc.

So, which one is your husband? 

Or, better yet, pay attention to how your boyfriend treats his ex wife. You want someone who, no matter the circumstances, is pleasant and reasonable. You can be in the middle of a very nasty court battle and still be decent when around each other. 

Hopefully you will never get divorced. But still pay attention to how he treats his ex. Know what kind of man you are dealing with. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Who are the Petitioner and Respondent?

Who are the Petitioner and Respondent? 

Why, it's you of course! You and your ex.

Whoever petitions/ files first for divorce is the Petitioner.  And whoever is responding to that petition is the Respondent. And at least in my state (remember that each state has different procedures and rules) you will remain with those titles for the rest of your case.

If the Respondent brings an order to show cause against the Petitioner, the Respondent doesn't suddenly become the Petitioner. That would be confusing if for each hearing you had a new title. The Respondent stays the Respondent and the Petitioner stays the Petitioner.