Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Don't WAIT until it's too LATE to request an item from your marriage

If there is an item or belonging that you really want or think you should have out of your marriage, make sure you request it and try to get it when you and your ex split up the belongings. Don't wait until after the fact, assuming you can just get it later.
It doesn't work like that. At least not always.

About 2 years or more after our divorce was final, my ex sent me an email demanding that I give him something that I had received when we split up our married belongings. At that point I actually didn't own that particular item any more. It was old and had been replaced. 

My ex had a fit that I would get rid of it.

But, if it is something that I got in the divorce, why wouldn't I assume I could discard of it when it became old and outlived it's usefulness? I would not have thought that I should call my ex up and told him that he should come pick up this old, useless thing 2 years after we divorced. 

If it's something you want, don't wait until after the splitting of belongings is settled to ask for it. Talk to your lawyer about how to get what you wish and when to do it. 


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