Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Good lawyers versus bad lawyers

Ugh. my ex has a BAD lawyer. The kind of guy that causes more trouble than he helps figure out. Obviously only interested in making money. This is not the first lawyer that my ex has had, and it seems like every lawyer he has had is slimy or just awful in some way.

"But Dee," you are thinking, "You only say that because it's your Ex's lawyer!"

No. The first lawyer my ex had was so slimy. At one point, in the court room, he was insinuating that I had a very severe issue. He didn't come right out and say it, but he made it sound like I had this personal problem.

Luckily the Commissioner caught it and asked him straight out, "Are you saying that she has [enter issue here]?"

Ex's lawyer was suddenly backtracking quickly, "Well, uh, well, um... no. No, she doesn't actually have that problem."

Or something like that.

Are you kidding me?!

See, I still get angry over it.

At the same time, one of the best men I have ever known is a lawyer. Good to the core.

My current lawyer is a good guy, too. Respectful, honest, he is precise in figuring out what the issues are.

I'm not saying that any lawyer (or person for that matter) is going to be perfect. They still make mistakes, they can still do stupid things and not be a "bad lawyer." All I'm saying is that if you have a choice, find a good and respectful lawyer.

I have an inkling that the Judges and Commissioners see and remember the good and bad lawyers. I personally don't want the Commissioner to see my lawyer walk in and think, "Oh no, this guy is a problem causer."

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