Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Is Pro Se O-Kay?

I met someone this weekend who was a major supporter of going Pro Se. What is Pro Se? Check out my past post to find out : Click here.

I always suggest that people not go Pro Se, but I met this guy who told me very strongly that I should go Pro Se. That he wasted all this money on a lawyer, and that he saved a lot of money by firing his lawyer and just doing it himself. He said he used the online help and figured it out. Granted, because of his job he has a pretty good background in legal matters (he isn't a lawyer, but he isn't a stranger to the court, either.)

He felt so strongly about it, and that surprised me. Because I am the opposite. I never suggest that someone try to do their divorce without a lawyer unless they don't have any other options. Even then, I suggest that they try legal aid or something similar.

So, I thought I'd ask you. What do you think of people going pro se?

Put your thoughts in the comments.

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