Monday, May 18, 2015

How to announce that you are getting a divorce Part A

How do you tell someone that you are getting a divorce?  Your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, church friends, facebook peeps. At some point the subject of your divorce is going to come up with them.

Think about what you want to tell different people and have multiple answers prepared of different information levels.

  • For some people, like your facebook peeps, you might not want to tell them very much. For example:

My husband and I are getting a divorce. Sometimes life goes unplanned, and you just have to deal with the crap that comes your way. Thanks for all of you who have voiced your concern and support for me and my family.

  • Your Neighbors might get a little bit more information.

My husband and I are getting a divorce. As you probably know there was an odd vehicle in our driveway last weekend, and well I guess he was cheating on me. So, it is what it is. Thanks for the casserole.

  • Co-workers and Church friends might get even more info.
My husband and I are getting a divorce. Apparently he was running around with another woman from out of town. He's decided to run away with her and leave me. We're dealing with it, and thank you for your prayers.

  • Friends are told a lot more.
I came home one day to find a good-bye note from him. He'd been seeing her for years. He'd always come home with weird gifts and explanations of where he'd been. And then I met her, she was literally green with envy or something. She doesn't speak very much English, and so we weren't able to say much. Then she whisked him away. I won't ever see him again. I suppose that's a good thing. Oh, and thanks for letting me cry on your shoulder.

  • Maybe you tell your family everything.
He ran away with a space alien! She had green skin and spoke some gobildeegook. She flew her spaceship to our house and then they flew away to her planet. I should have known when he kept bringing home meteors and things like that. How could I not have seen this?! 

You don't have to tell everyone everything. But you want to think ahead of time about what you will say.

Next post will be part B, a continuation of "How to announce that you are getting a divorce"

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