Monday, April 25, 2016

Be nice to your family's exes

One of the things I had to mourn the most over, after the divorce, was the loss of my ex-husband's family. In my case it happened overnight. We were supposedly working things out, and I suddenly stopped getting invited to family events.

Why Dee, that's weird!

Yes, but I know the reason. See, I think my Ex's family wanted to hide the fact we were having issues from the Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and Grandparents.

So there wasn't any "goodbye" period. Which made it harder. Suddenly I was just out of the family.

I felt particularly close to one side of the family, and that was the hardest. I felt like my Ex had made all of these choices, and yet I was being punished for them.

It was hard.

Then, in the past couple of years, I have either been contacted by a couple of them or they have treated me so nicely when we ran into each other.

This made me want to cry!

What a difference from his family members that can't look straight at me. That are snotty and can't even look in my direction.

If someone in your family gets divorced, please be nice to their Ex. I'm not saying that you have to agree with them, or that you have to take their side. But just being nice and even cordial can go a long way.

Do you have these issues with your ex's family?

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