Friday, February 26, 2016

Men don't grow on trees

Well, that's pretty much all I have to say about this. It's true, right? How nice would it be if you could just go to the Man-Orchard and pick out a nice Gentleman with all the qualities that you want? "Excuse me, Mr. Farmer? I would like to completely skip the Creeper and Sleaze trees and go straight to the Gentlemen."

A-ha! I think that is what I should say:

And my goodness, then try to find a good guy who is hard working, church going, and honest. 

Phew! That's like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

So, what I am really trying to say is that:

Now, they may not grow on trees, but they are out there. There are good men. Hardworking, Church Going, Honest, Gentlemanly Men.

So, what is my point? Don't Settle! Don't settle for the sleaze and creeper trees. Keep going till you find the better part of the orchard. Or something like that...

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