Monday, May 2, 2016

Final Divorce Agreement 8: Debts

(Remember I am not a lawyer or professional of any kind. These are purely my thoughts on my own personal experiences.)

Debt. Ugh. Yuck, yuck, yuck.

No one likes it, no one wants it. And you certainly don't want someone else's debt.

Cars, homes, student loans, furniture, business, etc. etc. etc. Debt can be gained in many ways.

My ex had incurred debt on his own during the marriage without my input. Things he bought that he was still in possession of, that I frankly never even saw.

After the divorce, I didn't want to be responsible for those things.

And, I thought it only fair that we each be responsible for things like our own student loans. Of which he had a TON!

So in our final agreement we agreed to separate our debts. I kept what was in my name, he kept what was in his.

We were lucky to not have very much debt between us, and I know that not all divorce situations are like that. Credit card debt, owning a home or multiple of them, legal fees, medical bills, etc. It can all accumulate.

If you have been divorced, how did you handle the debt?

For Past Final Divorce Agreement Posts, read:

Final Divorce Agreement 7: Who claims the kids on the taxes?

Final Divorce Agreement 6: If you don't include it, it won't matter

Final Divorce Agreement 5: Contact Information

Final Divorce Agreement 4: Arrearage

Final Divorce Agreement 3: Transportation

Final Divorce Agreement 2: Life Insurance

Final Divorce Agreement 1: Always Reread the Document

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